The spaceMIRA, a groundbreaking surgical robot, embarks on a historic journey to the International Space Station, a collaborative effort involving the University of Nebraska and NASA.
Virtual Incision Corporation, part of the cultivate(MD) portfolio and creator of the MIRA Surgical System (MIRA), has announced the departure of its spaceMIRA model to the International Space Station.
The spaceMIRA’s testing on the Space Station will explore the effects of zero gravity on simulated surgical tasks. Part of this test includes remote operation by a surgeon at Virtual Incision’s Lincoln, Nebraska headquarters, directing the robot’s movements.
MIRA, a pioneer in miniaturized robotic-assisted surgery (miniRAS), is significantly lighter than existing systems and stands as the sole small form factor RAS device. This innovation could dramatically enhance the feasibility of remote surgery through easier transport, storage, and setup. Researchers at the University of Nebraska have adapted MIRA to allow both pre-programmed and long-distance remote operations.